Main Akashic Past & Past-Life Reading & Clearing
Who you are at soul level is brought to light, your true energy body is discovered, as well as what your soul strengths are. From there the blocks and restrictions from your past which are affecting your present are uncovered. Once your blocks and restrictions are revealed, through the stories of your past, you are able to understand the circumstances behind the choices you've made. It's those choices that have created the blocks and restrictions, then and now. From there we are able to clear the blocks and restrictions helping
you move forward into the life you were meant to live. $344
Akashic Clearing of Properties
Our properties can carry unwanted negative energy of all forms; many of which have been there long before any of us came along. This reading identifies what negative energies are present. The energies are then cleared at the Akashic level. This reading is great for those that have done the Main reading, because we are energetically drawn to places that are like us. Many times your home will no longer resonate with you once the main reading and clearing is done. It is also great for properties that are not selling and no one seems to know why, as well as for homes that are newly purchased where you want a clean slate moving in.
(A recommended add-on to the Main Reading) $55
Akashic Record Relationship Reading
The relationship session is designed to offer insight and perspective on how a relationship contributes to our own experience. I investigate specifically what energy blocks and restrictions may be negatively affecting my client(s) in the area of relationships, as well as the blocks that are unique to the particular relationship in question. The reading is not limited to romantic relationships and partnerships. It can be done for parent/child, siblings, business partners and close friends
The goal is to encourage both people to regard each other from a Soul perspective, to know why they have chosen to experience each other, and to acknowledge and clear blocks and restrictions that may have been affecting the relationship. (Also a Add-on to the Main reading) $255
Spirit Guides - Inner team & Outer team
Spirit Guides are Souls who have had incarnations on earth before. They assist us in our spiritual development, and help in the fulfilling of our highest path and purpose for this incarnation. Our Guides assist us, protect us, and inspire our creativity. They also provide us with information and guidance.
Your inner Circle of Guides is your very own personal team, exclusively assigned to you. This reading helps you understand who your Spirit Guides are, and who each personal guide is at soul level, what traits and energy they bring to your life as well as how they try to communicate with you, and sometimes even a message they would like you to receive. With this reading you go home with a comprehensive in-depth report on each of your guides so that you have the opportunity to know and work with them yourself on a personal level.
Your Outer team of guides are busy – they have more than one person they are helping at a time.
There are seven guides, each in charge of a specific area of your life. They are not involved with the small details of your day to day lives and do not guide you through everyday experiences like your inner team does. Your Outer team works on your behalf as needed. It is interesting to know who these guides are, based on their energy centers of training. This lets you know what kind of assistance is present and gives us clues to the energies we may want to focus on within certain life areas. This Reading is a combination of both Guide Teams giving you a full picture of the Guides and the Guidance they offer $275
Most Akashic Soul Realignment readings can be done not only for you, but for your children, your spouse, your significant other, and members of your household as well as Close friends, so that you can connect with them on a deeper level.
***If you would like to become a certified Soul Realignment Practitioner yourself - click this link for more information
Who you are at soul level is brought to light, your true energy body is discovered, as well as what your soul strengths are. From there the blocks and restrictions from your past which are affecting your present are uncovered. Once your blocks and restrictions are revealed, through the stories of your past, you are able to understand the circumstances behind the choices you've made. It's those choices that have created the blocks and restrictions, then and now. From there we are able to clear the blocks and restrictions helping
you move forward into the life you were meant to live. $344
Akashic Clearing of Properties
Our properties can carry unwanted negative energy of all forms; many of which have been there long before any of us came along. This reading identifies what negative energies are present. The energies are then cleared at the Akashic level. This reading is great for those that have done the Main reading, because we are energetically drawn to places that are like us. Many times your home will no longer resonate with you once the main reading and clearing is done. It is also great for properties that are not selling and no one seems to know why, as well as for homes that are newly purchased where you want a clean slate moving in.
(A recommended add-on to the Main Reading) $55
Akashic Record Relationship Reading
The relationship session is designed to offer insight and perspective on how a relationship contributes to our own experience. I investigate specifically what energy blocks and restrictions may be negatively affecting my client(s) in the area of relationships, as well as the blocks that are unique to the particular relationship in question. The reading is not limited to romantic relationships and partnerships. It can be done for parent/child, siblings, business partners and close friends
The goal is to encourage both people to regard each other from a Soul perspective, to know why they have chosen to experience each other, and to acknowledge and clear blocks and restrictions that may have been affecting the relationship. (Also a Add-on to the Main reading) $255
Spirit Guides - Inner team & Outer team
Spirit Guides are Souls who have had incarnations on earth before. They assist us in our spiritual development, and help in the fulfilling of our highest path and purpose for this incarnation. Our Guides assist us, protect us, and inspire our creativity. They also provide us with information and guidance.
Your inner Circle of Guides is your very own personal team, exclusively assigned to you. This reading helps you understand who your Spirit Guides are, and who each personal guide is at soul level, what traits and energy they bring to your life as well as how they try to communicate with you, and sometimes even a message they would like you to receive. With this reading you go home with a comprehensive in-depth report on each of your guides so that you have the opportunity to know and work with them yourself on a personal level.
Your Outer team of guides are busy – they have more than one person they are helping at a time.
There are seven guides, each in charge of a specific area of your life. They are not involved with the small details of your day to day lives and do not guide you through everyday experiences like your inner team does. Your Outer team works on your behalf as needed. It is interesting to know who these guides are, based on their energy centers of training. This lets you know what kind of assistance is present and gives us clues to the energies we may want to focus on within certain life areas. This Reading is a combination of both Guide Teams giving you a full picture of the Guides and the Guidance they offer $275
Most Akashic Soul Realignment readings can be done not only for you, but for your children, your spouse, your significant other, and members of your household as well as Close friends, so that you can connect with them on a deeper level.
***If you would like to become a certified Soul Realignment Practitioner yourself - click this link for more information